Free Legal Forms - Kansas Judicial Counsel
The Kansas Judicial Council offers many legal forms free of charge to Pro Se Litigants. There are forms available for various case types including, but not limited to: Divorce, Expungement, Civil, Domestic, Adoption, Probate, and Adult Name Change. They also provide instructions for how to proceed with the filing of certain cases or documents. These forms can be found here.
These forms are not intended as a substitute for obtaining advice from an attorney. If you have any questions about which form you should use or how to fill it out, please seek the advice of an attorney.
Please be aware that Judicial Council staff, Kansas Court Clerks and Court staff may NOT provide legal advice, recommend any specific course of legal action, assist in completing forms, advice on how a term applies to a situation, interpret statutes or rules, or provide confidential information.
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Additional Legal Forms and Legal Advice - Kansas Legal Services
Kansas Legal Services is a non-profit law firm and community education organization that helps low and moderate income people in Kansas. There are additional forms provided on their website, as well as legal information regarding different types of court cases.
Here is the website for Kansas Legal Services!